II.2 Identification of the electric vector potential

As seen in the previous lecture, Coulomb force is the result of pressures exerted within the Dielectric Aether. Electric forces are therefore made possible because of local polarization of the dielectric Aether that locally decreases or increases the agitation of the medium and thus its pressure.

Let's now analyze how the Coulomb force is changed whenever one of the charges is moving steadily at speed V.

Potential φ satisfies to the condition of the state function H which calculus is explained here when speed V is negligible against speed of propagation c.

The resulted delayed effect on the electrical influence permits to introduce the electrodynamic vector  potential A:

And thus, one retrieves the known relationship between the two potentials:

Historically, vector potential A has been mathematically identified and derived from a logic assumption concerning the magnetic force B. For a long time, vector potential A has been presented as a calculus object that cannot find any physical representation until the Aharonov–Bohm effect evidences its physical reality.

By natural analysis it is shown in this article how its existence can be logically deduced from delayed effects in the dielectric Aether.


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