I.2 Introduction to dielectric Aether

Natural analysis infers the existence of a medium that should permit forces and information transmission at a distance. Regarding actual knowledge of physics, electromagnetism represents the only phenomenon that can play that role, because:
  • Electromagnetic waves can travel across empty space and transmit information
  • Electromagnetism is the sheer nature of light which is also capable to travel across empty space
  • The electromagnetic nature of photons gives a structure to one of the most lightweight particle of the standard model
  • The electromagnetic theory of Maxwell evidences physical properties of empty space: impedance, dielectric and inductance capabilities
  • Electromagnetism happens at a scale smaller than material particles' size
  • Electromagnetism pervades the empty space while matter particles are only confined to very tiny areas of space
  • Chemical links and matter consistency is only due to electric forces.
And I certainly still miss numerous good reasons which advocate electromagnetism to play a primary role in the whole universe. Existing physics knowledge yields many hints about that role, especially when applying the consistency predicate of Natural Analysis:
  • The Maxwell theory provides a vector calculus that reveal the existence of a continuous medium, similar to a fluid, with specific behaviors - something alike should therefore be the root cause of physics
  • Because electromagnetism gives a structure to photons, it should also provide a structure to any form of matter
From these observations, a kind of uninterrupted quest started in my mind. I read multiple physics theories but was almost disappointed by their non-pragmatical approach and their lack of analysis. Either scientists are lost in the conjectures of abstract calculus, or give reality to mathematical objects like fields or additional dimensions. I wanted to reach something more obvious more directly compliant with my natural understanding of things with simplicity and consistency. I thus spent many time to visualize, to meditate, to draw on paper and to develop some simple vector calculus in order to seize a meaning that would satisfy my expectation of pragmatism. I'm not that clever, but I've had time and was absolutely not constrained to produce any results on deadlines.

The most intriguing was the electromagnetic properties of void space, and the one that finally most stroke me was the permittivity. From there the first consistent idea came and I was able to build a satisfying natural system from this one:

If void space has a dielectric property (i.e. space permittivity) it is because the natural medium acts like a dielectric fluid

The hypothetical dielectric fluid is consistent to observations because this remains a neutral medium even at quantum scale. But going at the most microscopic level, it is made of electric dipoles whose alignments and circulations can influence at bigger levels. An amazing point of a such dielectric fluid is even its capacity to host highly intense currents while remaining neutral.

At subquantum level, it would be naive to think of an ordered grid of electric dipoles. Conversely this dielectric medium is the siege of perpetual agitations where dipoles are constantly collapsing on themselves and reappearing immediately.

This is a typical Brownian medium and physics models can only reflect a statistic behavior. This explains the sheer reason of quantum mechanics which must be understood through statistical approach and not from a probabilistic point of view. Our material devices for measurements can only catch average values among the agitation that happens at frequencies above the Planck scale; we are therefore unable to catch precise behaviors from this tohu-bohu and we can only deduce statistically and draw general laws from this turbulent microscopic world.


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